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Photographer: Maja Prgomet, the official photographer of the Powerweb Delta

Divine Abundant Powerweb



The DIVINE HERITAGE is an exhibition, a part of the art events and happenings with a common name – Larpourlartism. These art events took place during the Powerweb - Delta and were powered by POWERPROGRESSIVEART and POWERPROGRESSIVEART 's partners: Kiteboarding Komin, Natural History Museum Metkovic, and A Most Unusual Garden in Zagreb.

The Natural History Museum was opened for storing the artworks and the art-concepts of the guest artists and the POWERPROGRESSIVEART's artists. Thus is conceived the DIVINE HERITAGE exhibition which lasted July 13 – September 15, 2016. The many parts of the artworks spent the summer in this exhibition as they have been moved from Kiteboarding Komin where the Larpourlartism - Impression, performances, happenings and the concerts took place.

With the DIVINE HERITAGE exhibition we have materialized some museum’s designations – "caring, studying and exhibiting the artifacts or museum collections"*, in the Natural History Museum – by the art content. The museum visitors were able to accompany all the exhibition changes during the summer. The exhibition was thematically based on the natural and cultural heritage of the Neretva Delta, then Dalmatia, Europe, and the world. Art media: sculptures, performances, video-art, and music concepts have connected Dalmatia and New Zealand and the Neretva Delta with all six continents through the cooperation with the international guests and participants of all our activities. (intro by Ana Gizdic)

The new artworks (more info on these artworks in Gallery - below) on DIVINE HERITAGE exhibition are: ​​

  • Aphrodite (2014) by Georgette Yvette Ponte

... the Greek pendant to the Roman Venus is - beauty itself. She could easily astonish anyone who would lay eyes on her. With the ornaments carved into the surface of the material, I emphasize the mystic figure of a goddess. Thus, my Aphrodite, my Venus is a sensual and emancipated in an erotic manner. She is charming and the final perfection of the dying (but never dead) antique art. (text by the artist)​ 

  • Violence against beauty (2014) by Georgette Yvette Ponte

The figure of the woman weens a fine curvature of the form. It suggests tenderness and sensuality. With the harsh cuts onto the tense surface of the torso I violently destroy this harmony. It is a stroke against prejudice, for the women were the first slaves in history. Thus, this sculpture is dedicated to all the mistreated and slave women.​ (text by the artist)​ 

More on DIVINE HERITAGE with even more artworks read here - DIVINE HERITAGE.

*Xqbot. TXiKiBoT. Fraxinus. Luckasbot. Emausbot. Idiomabot. Mjbmrbot. IBanchilo. MaGa. ChuispastonBot. MastiBot. VolkovBot. Billinghurst. Orijentolog. MerllwBot. JackieBot. ZeroBot. Kubura. AddBot. Prof saxx. Spielvogel. Gb777. El hombre. Muzej. Wikipedia. 2010-2016.

URL: (2016)

REFERENCE on hover

Gizdić, Ana. Ponte, Georgette Y. Larpourlartism - DIVINE HERITAGE. POWERWEB. POWERPROGRESSIVEART. 2016.
URL: (document access date)

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