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Photographers: Maja Prgomet, the official photographer of the Powerweb Delta

and Jaksa Babic

Divine Abundant Powerweb



Beautiful Neretva Delta was the perfect place to conduct multiple events, the exhibitions, performances, happenings, lectures, concerts... It was also a perfect spot to take a pause from all the experiences on our previous platforms and projects. So, we made it easy, fun and friendly. In such a manner, we've used several state institutions' interest in our work and engaged the spaces of our friends to host these events. Kiteboarding Komin, situated at the very mouth of the Neretva Delta, was our first base.

Activating the healing properties of the art production and healing features of the general involvement in art led to the - Larpourlartism events. Moris Suman, our host, provided all the necessary equipment and help for the events presentation as well as the protection for the sculptures that stayed at Kiteboarding Komin during the whole summer.

Well now, there are many funny and exciting stories about these events...  

The production and the presentation of the artworks lasted for the whole summer so the exhibition got more elaborated converting itself into - the DIVINE HERITAGE. Thus, one part of the artworks was removed to the Natural History Museum Metkovic for proper care and preservation. More about DIVINE HERITAGE enriched with new sculptures read and view on Larpourlartism - DIVINE HERITAGE.

At the opening of the Larpourlartism - impression were the artworks of the listed artists (below). More info on sculptures in Gallery (below).

Other participants were: Maja Stajduhar (The Grains of Universe, lecture), Marija Srsen (intro on Powerweb and Larpourlartism), Marina Cindric, Kristina Dodig and Ivan Vladimir (a short concert of classical music). In the following texts, you may read Artists' stories on the artworks displayed in the gallery. These short texts you can also find in the publication following the events on Powerweb - Delta(intro by Ana Gizdic)​ 

  • RAMSAR art-in-progress (2016 - ...) by Ana Gizdic view more>>

  • ARTemis Study II (2014) by Nina Lekic

The head of the Greek goddess of the moon, animals and hunting, Artemis served as a template for my sculptural techniques improving and the study of ancient classical sculpture. It is modeled in clay, later cast in plaster. The head of Artemis with the detail of 'the lost nose' linking the work to longevity and uniqueness can be easily viewed as a part of an antique art brought into modern times.

  • Tarara (2012) by Marin Marinic, text by Enes Quien

... exhibited eight haka, dancing and yelling Tarara figures. Black, almost daunting Tarara figures tend to overawe. These are, actually, powerful athletes. At the beginning of the 19 century Croats settled on the northern coast of New Zealand to raise gum. They came together with the natives, Maori. They married Maori women. Maori named Croats Tarara due to their fast-talking and the frequent use of the letter ‘r’. So, in New Zealand, there are Croats - Maori mongrels called Tarara. Tarara Day takes place each year on the 15th of March to celebrate the community of Croats and Maori in New Zealand. Traditional New Zealand's Maori battle cry and the battle dance is called haka. It is a group performance, rendering energetic and bluff moves, marching with spread legs and stamping hands on the chest and alternately, the thighs. Battle haka was performed before the war when warriors accentuated their strength and courage to intimidate the opponent. There are several sorts of haka, while the most famous being Ka Mate haka, dedicated to Maori war leader Te Rauparahu. (From the note of dr. sc. Enes Quien for the MI HRVATI exhibition)

  • The Cucumber (2015) by Mario Pitesa

While I was sitting in the garden bathed with the advertising boards of the local supermarkets' best priced, environment-friendly agriculture products which showered me from TV those summer months, that favorite ingredient of the summer salads welcomed me in a surprising, refreshing, and at the end of the experience - incredibly profound combination: Hendrick's, tonic and a cucumber - the main character of my glass and inspiring vision of the Cucumber who is relaxing in a bathtub while with its arms overlooking my intimacy.

  • Caracalla (2015) by Georgette Yvette Ponte

The words of Rodin who said that the old masters and their works needed to be appreciated and bowed to, encouraged me to represent the arrogance and lack of respect of the modern society towards the world’s cultural heritage. The portrait shows the Roman emperor Caracalla with one side of his face pointed towards the floor simulating a rejected and forgotten piece of art.

  • The Japanese Sandal (2016) by Marija Srsen

This Japanese sandal was lost by a mermaid.

The Japanese sandal should not be transferred without encountering any magical repercussions. The hanao is always made of an autochthonous herb. Only grass grows from it now. It is an ethnonym of the natural abundance: the seas, the rivers, forests, deserts, the cold areas… - the planet Earth.

  • The Creation (2016) by Marija Srsen

…is the materialization of God's hand from the Sistine Chapel. The One Hand that created the paradise - and Adam. The Creation was designed and created by order. Now it changes exhibiting places providing the visitors' easier passage through the experience of reaching the divine. By this action, I energize my client's still unaccomplished encounter with the Creation and the experience of the transformation. And – I thank him for the patience.

  • Heraclitus (2015) Nikola Vudrag

A modern interpretation of Heraclitus’ learning has brought to light the aspects of the unity of opposites: the existence is merely an illusory mirage, while behind it, there is a deeper harmony. The world is seemingly in disarray, but all the happening contains internal legality. Heraclitus’ Logos are both, the unity and the struggle of opposites, the legality that governs both – nature and men.

Gizdić, Ana. Piteša, Mario. Ponte, Georgette Y., Quien, Enes. Sršen, Marija. Vudrag, Nikola. Larpourlartism - impression. POWERWEB. POWERPROGRESSIVEART. 2016.

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