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Divine Abundant Powerweb

POWERPROGRESSIVEART connects people and establishes cooperation - Powerweb – through art, science, culture and the natural heritage of Croatia, Europe, and the world. We create innovative projects on archaeological sites, areas of special cultural and natural value and null-category monuments.

The Powerweb grids power -progressive visionaries: individuals and collectives who ennoble the society and the world within their framework.

We are looking forward to seeing you, working with you which is the foundation of the power progressive actuality.

These are the listed annual activities on the Powerweb platform:

You want to contact us? Check General 

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POWERPROGRESSIVEART with Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society has realized an International Interdisciplinary Meeting. This meeting was an incentive for connecting and mutual presentation of the peoples and initiatives involved - organizations, associations, platforms, projects, etc. This meeting presented the in site case studies. The participants of this meeting were from different associations, organizations and groups and their work has a common starting point - raising awareness of natural, also the cultural heritage of the world (...)

The exhibiting concept called NATURA ET CULTURA uses the optics of the recent anthropological approaches to nature (R. F. Ellen and K. Fukui) considering the confrontation of nature and the culture, which the structuralism and the anthropologists and the scientists started reviewing during the sixties in 20th ct. (...)

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Pictures in slideshow gallery: View on Indian Ocean, Manukan island, Sabah, Malaysia (photo: Ana Gizdic); Powerweb stream @ D416 (photo: Ana Gizdic); Seen Already by Ana Kincic Dubic @ Izidor Krsnjavi Gallery (photo: Tomislav Kristo), The Frog by Marija Srsen@ D416 (photo: Ana Gizdic); Ms Ana Muscet, participants and the audience, WATER, STONE, FOREST AND A VIOLIN @ Kiteboarding Komin (photo: Jaksa Babic); International Interdisciplinary Meeting, Discussion, Mr Mohd Nurazmeel bin Mokhtar, moderator and UMS students (photo: Recheal Jane Ronnie)

2016 / 2017 DELTA

The Powerweb - Delta activities in the 2016 / 2017 academic year have been realized from July 9th, 2016 till May 31st, 2017.  These activities took place on several locations in the Neretva Delta and included one in Zagreb (...) The art events - Larpourlartism was held at the Natural History Museum and Kiteboarding Komin from July 9th till December 23rd, 2016. The source of our larpourlartism is the enjoyment in truth, beauty, and love and is based on the sculpture exhibitions, classical, jazz and experimental music concerts of Croatian and foreign artists as well as the various and expert approaches to the environment protection.

With the healthy approach to life and its services, POWERPROGRESSIVEART presented the artistic and scientific delight at a world's reserve area protected by the Ramsar convention(...) 

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Pictures in slideshow gallery: Ms Marija Srsen and Mr Zeljko Miletic, the opening of the Larpourlartism events @ Kiteboarding Komin (photo: Maja Prgomet); Ms Marina Cindric, Ms Kristina Dodig and Mr Ivan Vlaldimr, Larpourlartism events @ Kiteboarding Komin (photo: Maja Prgomet); Larpourlartism - impression @ Kiteboarding Komin (photo: Maja Prgomet), The Creation by Marija Srsen @ Natural History Museum Metkovic (photo: Maja Prgomet); Divine Dragonflies by Ana Gizdic and Maja Stajduhar @ A Most Unusual Garden (photo: Tomislav Kristo); Larpourlartism - expression, Mr Moris Suman, Ms Marija Srsen, Mr Hrvoje Manenica and Ms Lejla Mesanovic dancing Haka (photo: Ana Gizdic); RAMSAR art-in-progress by Ana Gizdic - Blazka Udir, the kiteboarding instructor (photo: Ana Gizdic); International Interdisciplinary Congress, break between lectures, Ms Tanja Stanic and a representative from EKO Mala Sirena Association (photo: Bojan Mance Brezovic)


At the Powerweb, through the art and science cooperation, first of all, then through some forms of civil participation, we'll perceive the moral paradigm of the importance of cultural and natural heritage preservation as a public good where is of the utmost importance to educate the citizenry of nourishment and management of the cultural and natural heritage in the private property also in cooperation with the museums, culture and state institutions.

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Banner picture from slide deck gallery / HOME: official banner of POWERWEB

photo: Marija Srsen, design: Ana Gizdic

Pictures in slideshow gallery: Gathering @ Natural History Museum Metkovic (photo: Ana Gizdic); The Monument to the Wild Horses of Velebit by Marin Marinic @ Institution for Culture and Sport Metkovic (photo: Ana Gizdic); The Birds by Drazen Brkic @ Natural History Museum Metkovic (photo: Ana Gizdic), ADDENDUM AD RELIQUIAS FAMILIAE CESAREAE by Ana Gizdic @ Narona Archaeological Museum (photo: Marija Srsen); an official image of Bacchanalia, art concept served at RITUS CELEBRANDI @ Institution for Culture and Sport Metkovic (photo: Marija Srsen); Interdisciplinary Congress, Mr Goran Vukovic and Mr Branko Franceschi at the Gathering @ Natural History Museum Metkovic (photo: Ana Gizdic)

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