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Photographs: Ana Gizdic, Dean Faj, Tomislav Kristo, Ana Muscet and Marija Srsen. More info in gallery below.

Divine Abundant Powerweb


The exhibition took place at Izidor Krsnjavi Gallery in Zagreb from 15th till 22nd September 2017 with the courtesy of Ms. Mirjana Tomasevic Dancevic and Ms. Bernarda Cesar (the coordinators of the Gallery), also the Exhibitions Committee.

This was the third and the last display of the NATURA ET CULTURA exhibiting concept. Unlike the other two, this one was set in the cultivated space of a gallery. In the following text, you may read the artists' stories on the artworks displayed in these galleries. These short texts you can also find in the publications following the NATURA ET CULTURA exhibition (more on the sculptures in the gallery below).                                                                                               

  • The fishermen and a siren (2017) by Ana Gizdic

In the early mythologies of the Western world, nature and culture features are integrated through various mythology creatures. The Nymphs, the Nereids and the sirens, for example, show the duality of nature powers personified both in the divine and human. The opponent that frequently appears in such stories is - a human. The resolution of a conflict that lies ahead between these two also frequently, show their true attributes. The divine presupposes a certain program which guarantees ideally projected future with ideal features (according to The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell), while for the opponent, a human, presumes overcoming the obstacles - becoming a hero. This is a relation of these fishermen and a siren, as well as all their portraits.

  • RAMSAR art-in-progress (2016 - ...) by Ana Gizdic view more>>

  • Living Sculptures in the Sea (2014) by Celia Gregory

... is a programme that uses art for change - not only in awareness and education, but also directly on the restoration of coral reef habitats, fish stocks, and associated provision of livelihood. Connecting local communities with an international network to enable sustainable governance of our marine resources. It is fresh, commands attention, has an amplification of effect, and is scalable.

  • Seen already (2014 and 2017) by Ana Kincic Dubic

This artwork constitutes out of three print units for which the starting point are photographs taken on the journeys and the photographs of the objects from the childhood: La Vida es un Carnaval; Experience the world upside-down; Mantle the trip, for the artist is a traveler, and art is a journey. The artist connects motifs of nature, architecture, kids’ toys, instruments, and its compound, sentimental archetype motifs and, in a specific way, she combines other people's memories together with her own. Her art expression derives from observing the world around her and perceiving the beauty of nature and cultural heritage.

  • Diana and the Mermaid stew (2012) by Marin Marinic

We inherit the natural heritage from the generations that came before us and we have to preserve it in order to pass it on to the next generation, enriched with cultural heritage, the source of identity and inspiration. The world heritages have to be studied with respect while refining one's own. Through art, we need to represent our heritage proud to have it. What's not clear here?

  • Island of Love (2016) by Ana Muscet

An intervention at Ocusa lake, within Bacina lakes, tells us about the island's past and present. Its role as a mysterious place as a shelter, radically changed with the new current time, in which the body of a man participates in a market exchange of goods. its apparent "misanthropy" is overgrown and an inaccessibility witness of eagerness for its reactivation, for which the island is cut and prepared to be transferred by the site-specific intervention.

  • Forest (2017) by Gloria Oreb 

... is a recording of the real forest and the motion through it which is accompanied by the sound base – the author’s voice. The author’s voice as well as the birds chirping synesthetically effect the senses so the senses visualize the image of the sound. The image articulates itself into speech, hereby into a poetic verbal description of residing in nature and the motion through the forest. Thus, by word (the text) the sound follows the image and outflows their tautological relation.

  • Cucumber (2015) by Mario Pitesa  view more  >>

  • Observation Journal (2015 - 2016) by RESANITA (Resa Pernthaller & Anita Fuchs)

... is a project conducted through several years of observation that seeks to combine empirical studies by the
artists Sergey Kishchenkoand and RESANITA (Resa Pernthaller und Anita Fuchs) with scientific experiments. The project is conducted in cooperation with institutions such as AGES (Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety), BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), VIR (Vavilov National Plant Research Institute, Saint Petersburg) within the framework of an ongoing interdisciplinary artwork.

  • Boscarini (2017) by Petra Ruzic

Ceramic sculpture boskarin is a personification of the Istrian peasant who has forever struggled with land and the sea in order to survive but is also a descriptor of that same nature that had to be made obeisance. Formally, between realistically rounded horns and a tail and geometric rigid body, this sculpture stuffed with soil asks questions but gives no answers - is nowadays possible to enjoy the beauty of traveling across the country, maintain the tradition in a time of crisis and find salvage from decline?

  • The Frog (2016) by Marija Srsen

A frog motif is present in fairytales, fables, proverbs... It is the most famous as a prince who, with the kiss of a princess, experiences a metamorphosis so from an animal becomes a man. In ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome it symbolizes life and abundance. With this work, I lean to these, its most important attributes. Frog is also a recognizable symbol of the Neretva Delta wherein, at least two out of four mentioned great civilizations have met. 

REFERENCE on hover

Fuchs, Anita. Gizdić, Ana. Gregory, Celia. Kinčić Dubić, Ana. Marinić, Marin. Mušćet, Ana. Oreb, Gloria. Pernthaller, Resa. Piteša, Mario. Ružić, Petra. Sršen, Marija. Artists' stories on the artworks. NATURA ET CULTURA exhibiting concept. POWERWEB. POWERPROGRESSIVEART. 2017.
URL: (document access date)

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ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् 

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